What is Receipt OCR?

Receipt OCR, or Receipt Optical Character Recognition, is a technology designed to streamline and automate the extraction of information from receipts. It transforms the tedious process of manually inputting data into a swift and accurate digital experience.

Using advanced algorithms, Eagle Doc Receipt OCR scans and interprets key details such as merchant information, line items, totals, and more from receipts. This technology not only eliminates the need for manual data entry but also enhances efficiency in financial workflows. Businesses can leverage Eagle Doc Receipt OCR to improve accuracy, reduce errors, and expedite the processing of financial transactions, ultimately leading to increased productivity.

Below is an overview of which information Eagle Doc Receipt OCR extracts.

Shop Name and Address

Obtain the shop's name and precise address from which the receipt was issued.

Purchase Time and Date

Retrieve the time and date when the receipt was generated.

Line Items

Acquire a detailed inventory of purchased products, including names, prices, and tax information.

Tax Information

Gather detailed tax information pertaining to distinct tax categories.


Read out the total price indicated on the receipt.


Capture the method of payment utilized for the transaction.


Extensive Coverage of Fields

Eagle Doc Receipt OCR provides extensive coverage of extracted fields from receipts. It includes all the essential fields you need for your business, so that you do not need to extract them with additional steps like data labeling and training.

  • 40+ fields
  • Array of product line items
  • Array of tax items
  • And more...
Are there any fields you need but not listed? Just let us know. We are happy to help you with that.
extensive coverage of extracted fields from Eagle Doc Receipt OCR
Implement intelligent cross-checks between fields to deliver valid results and infer missing information from original receipts

Cross Check and Inference

Eagle Doc performs smart data validation across multiple fields to ensure accuracy and reconstruct missing details from source receipts.

  • Cross check and inference among language, currency, date format, city and country
  • Cross check and inference among product prices, total price and tax items
  • Cross check and inference among unit price, quantity and product price
  • And more...

Extraction of Tax Information of Products

Eagle Doc Receipt OCR extracts tax information for each product line item. This feature is particularly useful for businesses that need to keep track of tax information for each product.

Even when only tax label is available, Eagle Doc Receipt OCR can still extract the tax percentage.

Hidden product tax extractions, from tax label to tax percentage
Broad localization of Receipt OCR, supports any currency and 40+ languages

Broad Localization

  • Any Currency
  • 40+ languages
For full list of supported languages and currencies, please check our documentation.

Industry-Leading Precision: Exceeding 95%

Eagle Doc employs advanced algorithms to assess extraction reliability. When confidence is low, it harnesses cutting-edge Language Models (LLMs) for refinement, resulting in outstanding accuracy. This strategic approach optimizes both performance and resource allocation by selectively engaging LLMs.

  • Unparalleled data extraction fidelity
  • Optimized operational expenses
  • Overall rapid processing time
  • No LLM related problems like hallucinations and security risks
  • No additional cost
With LLM and machine learning, unmatchable high accuracy of receipt OCR: 95%+ can be achieved

Connect your app to Eagle Doc easily with our REST API. Just send your receipt images or PDFs to the Eagle Doc Receipt OCR endpoint. For more API details, take a look at our Receipt OCR Documentation.

Easy to Use

In addition to all the features, Eagle Doc Receipt OCR is designed to be super easy to use. You don't need to worry about any configurations or training. Just send us the receipt images or PDFs, and we will take care of the rest.

No Templates
No Training
No Configurations

How does Receipt OCR work with your application?

Connect your app to Eagle Doc easily with our REST API. Just send your receipt images or PDFs to the Eagle Doc Receipt OCR endpoint. Our algorithm reads the text using OCR and pulls out all the important info from the receipt—total amount, shop name, product details, and more. The system gives you the results in a structured way in JSON format, ready to use in your app. Check out the simple data flow below.

Process flow for Receipt OCR processing

For more details, take a look at our Receipt OCR Documentation.

Try it for free!